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Product ID: TQDR005
Product Name: AMPPD
CAS NO: 122341-56-4

Molecular Formula:C18H23O7P
Molecular Weight:122341-56-4
Grade:Ultra Pure Grade
Appearance:White fine crystals
Application:AMPPD in alkaline conditions, by AP digestion generated fairly stable AMP - D anion, its decomposition half-life 2 ~ 30 min, a wavelength of 470 nm the sustainability of the light, in 15 min when its peak intensity, light intensity within 15 ~ 60 min keep relatively stable. AMPPD is alkaline phosphatase chemiluminescence substrate, in the appropriate buffer, along with the enzyme catalytic hydrolysis, AMPPD into AMP - D, which is a high intensity of optical signal, the speed of light depends on the concentration of alkaline phosphate enzyme. When the alkaline phosphatase is coupled to the probe of hybridization, the presence of the hybridized molecule can be detected by this system.

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