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Product ID: TQBO027
Product Name: Trypsin 
CAS NO: 9002-07-7

Molecular Formula:C6H15O12P3

Molecular Weight372.1


GradeUltra Pure Grade

AppearanceWhite to off-white powder

ApplicationFor trypsin digestion of peptides, use a ratio of about 1:100 to 1:20 for trypsin:peptide. The typical use for this product is in removing adherent cells from a culture surface. The concentration of trypsin necessary to dislodge cells from their substrate is dependent primarily on the cell type and the age of the culture. Trypsins have also been used for the re-suspension of cells during cell culture, in proteomics research for digestion of proteins and in various in-gel digestions. Additional applications include assessing crystallization by membrane-based techniques and in a study to determine that protein folding rates and yields can be limited by the presence of kinetic traps.

Storage Conditions20°C

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